Puckapunyal Parkrun started on 13th March 2021, for those unfamiliar with the concept of Parkrun, it is a weekly free community event which allows participants to walk, jog, run, volunteer or spectate. Parkrun is 5km and takes place every Saturday morning.

The special aspect of Puckapunyal Parkrun is that it is the only Parkrun in Australia to be held on a military base, this does mean that our numbers are quite small as they are determined by who can access the base.

The beauty of Parkrun and especially Pucka Parkrun is that it brings the community together, there is no requirement to be the fastest runner or to even be fit, we welcome anyone to come along and join us, whether you want to break the course record (currently 16:42 )  or whether you just want to enjoy a stroll and a chat with a friend, everyone is welcome.


Every Saturday from 8am

If this has peaked your interest or you just want to know a bit more, follow our Facebook Page - Puckapunyal Parkrun  - Restricted Military Base or send us an e-mail at